Air-Minded: PASM Photoblog III

I think it’s time to post another batch of photos from the Pima Air & Space Museum in Tucson, Arizona, where I volunteer as a walking tour docent. As always, you can click on the individual photos below to see the full sized originals on Flickr, or you can click here to view my entire […]

Air-Minded: PASM Photoblog II

In lieu of solving the nation’s problems and revealing brilliant new insights on life, I’ll share a few photos I took today while wandering around the outdoor exhibits at the Pima Air & Space Museum in Tucson, Arizona, where I work as a volunteer docent. I’d heard the restoration team would be moving several aircraft […]

Air-Minded: PASM Photoblog I

It’s time I posted more photos from the Pima Air & Space Museum in Tucson, Arizona. As a volunteer tour guide, I’m sometimes able to visit parts of the museum visitors don’t get to see. There’s always something interesting hidden away. These two Japanese Kamikaze planes, for example. Until recently only the fuselages have been visible, […]

Ignorance Is Bliss

Google News has a “fact check” section, a Snopes-like feature aimed at debunking disinformation circulating in less-reputable segments of American media (cough Fox News cough).

Air-Minded Index

I write Air-Minded posts for a general audience. They’re meant to be interesting and entertaining, not scholarly. Some are personal war stories from my days flying fighter and training aircraft for the USAF; some are about current developments in military and civil aviation; some are about contemporary and historical aircraft. In the latter category, many […]