I haven’t been keeping up with the news, what with company and road trips and the standard family competition for the TV at night, so yesterday, after our company left and things were quiet again, I called up Mediaite. Foolish me. The first ten entries all had to do with Herman Cain. Like a prude averting his gaze from the naked female form, I hastily clicked over to Google News. The first headline there was about Kim Kardashian. You know what? I give up. World, you just roll along without us Americans, okay? We have our own version of the “news,” and it don’t got nothin’ to do with you.
Company. Let’s see … after Terry and Judy left, our friend John from Australia rolled in, and the day after he left we picked up our goddaughter Natasha at the airport, along with her husband Natale and their four-month-old baby daughter Giorgianna. They visited for a week, during which we took a three-day road trip to Flagstaff, the Grand Canyon, and Sedona. They left yesterday, just in time for me to come down with a chest-plugging cold, the same one I get every year about this time. Bring on the Sudafed!
Just not too much of it, that is … according to my friendly Walgreen’s pharmacist, Arizona shoppers are now restricted to one package of Sudafed a month, lest we amass enough to make meth. Look, I said, I don’t want to do spring cleaning in November, I just want to get through this cold with minimal suffering. To take my mind off the cold (and yours as well), here’s another Grand Canyon photo:

The birthday iPad is getting a workout. So far I’ve downloaded the Nook app, the iBooks app, and the Kindle app. I snagged some free iBooks and used a birthday Amazon gift card from Natasha to download a few Kindle books. I’d read half a novel on my Nook before my birthday; I finished it on the iPad. Actually I slightly prefer the Nook as a reader; I’ll continue to read Nookbooks on it, using the iPad for iBooks and Kindle books. There are a couple of things I can’t get right on the iPad, and retrieving and sending POP email is one of them. That is irritating … I’m sure I have the POP email accounts set up correctly. Oh, well, I’ll figure it out eventually.
Now for two weeks of relative peace & quiet before the next adventure, a Thanksgiving road trip to Las Vegas, where we’ll visit our son, daughter in law, and grandchildren. Are we bringing Schatzi? You betcha! And speaking of Schatzi, here’s another photo of her in her Halloween outfit:

Hey, I feel better now. And it’s not the Sudafed … it’s Schatzi!
Last-Minute Update: I feel even better now. My son Gregory called to tell me we’re going riding again in Nevada the Saturday after Thanksgiving: he on a new BMW K 1300 S, me on a new BMW K 1600 GT. Wow! I’ve been lusting after the new six-cylinder bike, so I’ll be sure to write a thorough ride report afterward.