I, Robot Slut
I’ve been on Bluesky’s waitlist for more than two months, twiddling my thumbs on the couch with Mahomet, Jugdish, Sidney, and Clayton.
"When I do not want to say things in real life I often say them here." — Mimi Smartypants
On the internet, nobody knows you’re a dog
I’ve been on Bluesky’s waitlist for more than two months, twiddling my thumbs on the couch with Mahomet, Jugdish, Sidney, and Clayton.
Nope. Not gonna debate a racist on what is and isn’t racist.
I can’t figure out the scam, but there must be money in it or they wouldn’t be doing it.
PlaneHistoria, you fraud, you don’t know shit.
I’ve been playing around with iPads, iPhones, and watches.
Until today, I assumed any college prof or magazine editor would be able to spot AI-generated material from a mile away.
Re the hashtag hatred directed at Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci: imagine how hysterical this mob would be if those gentlemen were Jewish!
I’m beginning to think our boy Harry is all about keeping his name in the news and his face on television. For a foreigner, he’s zeroed right in on what it takes to become American royalty.