New Speak, Same Screwjob

Last weekend we bumped into a friend we hadn’t seen in a couple of years.  She had news.  R________, a guidance counselor at a local high school, was fired a couple of months ago … along with the rest of the school’s faculty and staff. And get what the school district calls this mass firing: […]

They’re Coming Right Out and Admitting It

From an ABC news article: Sen. John Kyl, R-Ariz., repeated a Republican argument today that abortions are “well over 90 percent of what Planned Parenthood does.” He later clarified that the statistic, which is inaccurate, was “not intended to be a factual statement.” Well, good. We all know what’s going on, and it’s about time […]

Friday Morning Grab Bag

It was enormously disappointing to watch Jon Stewart fluffing Mau Mau Mike Huckabee on Wednesday’s Daily Show.  Oh, Stewart gently nibbled at him about his support for right-wing fundamentalist David Barton, but he didn’t challenge any of his evasive answers.  He didn’t mention Huckabee’s advocacy of religious indoctrination at gunpoint, nor did he bring up […]