The News from Slackville

It’s the slack time between Christmas and New Year’s, and to all appearances, not much is going on.  Jon Stewart’s on vacation, so nothing’s happening in Washington DC or the outside world.  Current events are in short supply. Current events at Chez Paul?  Also in short supply.  We’re enjoying quiet nights at home.  There’s only […]

Sinterklaas and Me: a Christmastime Update

This is Sinterklaas, the Dutch Santa.  Formerly the Archbishop of Turkey, Sint Nicolaas, Sinterklaas is shown with two of his Zwarte Pieten (there are six to eight Zwarte Pieten — “Black Petes” — originally Moorish slaves, but today more gently described as servants or even companions). Sinterklaas arrives in The Netherlands each November by steamboat […]

Seasonal Madness

Every year about this time Donna goes crazy over gingerbread houses.  Old school gingerbread houses — Donna makes the dough, rolls it out in sheets, cuts forms for walls, doors, window shutters, roofs, and chimneys, puts them together with frosting, then invites kids over to help decorate them.  When our own daughter Polly gets involved, […]

Banned Book News Roundup

Dateline Seattle: we’re not banning books, just “suspending” them! Interesting USA Today article: it’s no longer just isolated parents working alone, now book banners and book banner wannabes are starting to organize and band together. The Smithsonian, taking its cue from Obama and the Democrats in congress, caves to threats of Republican miffitude. Even writing […]

Breezy Update (with Chunks)

Two days under the weather.  Diarrhea, vomiting . . . yuck, who wants to hear about that?  TMI!  TMI! I only mention it because I’m so damn happy it’s over.  At last, I can get back to stressing over more important things than the distance to the nearest bathroom. Things like Christmas.  I sent out […]