Tuesday Bag o’ Ballots

Thank you, Google Images! Click on the inset image if you’d like to see it larger. I wasn’t old enough to vote for JFK, but I remember watching the Nixon/Kennedy debates and talking up the far more charismatic Kennedy with my junior high school classmates. I came of voting age shortly before the 1968 presidential election, in […]

Monday Bag o’ Anxiety

Just posted to Facebook: “If the candidate’s a legitimate asshole, the voter has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.” Some of my friends’ll get the Todd Akin reference, some won’t. I’d like to believe most of my friends are informed voters, but some of their Facebook updates indicate otherwise. By this time […]

Another Bag o’ Friday Happiness

Hey, I may not drink any more, but I still know what TGIF means to most Americans! And I can still dream (sob). I feel like frying some fish filets tonight: catfish, red snapper, tilapia, whatever catches my eye. Good bread and a green vegetable to serve on the side, maybe Swiss chard … something […]

Snakes & Ladders

Consider the great gains we’ve made in this country: from universal suffrage to civil rights, from labor unions and protections for workers to minimum wages and unemployment insurance, from Social Security to Medicare, from free public education to womens’ athletics, from good highways to the postal system.  If you follow the news you know that […]