You Can’t Read That! Banned Books Week

October is Banned Books Month. The first week, October 1-7, is Banned Books Week. Am I sensing a theme here? I started the first day of Banned Books Week with a New York Times op-ed titled This Is Why I Hate Banned Books Week, a recap of the tired talking points book banners spew forth […]

You Can’t Read That! Banned Book Review: Tricks

Tricks, the 98th most-banned book in the USA between the years 2010 and 2019, jumped to 3rd place in 2022, a year when book challenges, censorship, and bannings mounted at a unprecedented pace.

You Can’t Read That! Banned Book Review: This Book is Gay

“This Book Is Gay” is one of a number of young adult books targeted by right-wing culture warriors. They view it, along with other LGBTQ-themed books, as insidious pro-gay propaganda designed to lure girls and boys into deviant sex and transgenderism. This book, in particular, billed as an “instruction manual” for LGBTQ youth (see the quote from the publisher’s blurb, above), is firmly in their crosshairs.