I’m sitting here with my Deskbuddy™ 1.0, enjoying the quiet afternoon that comes after a busy Friday night and Saturday morning.

Polly went on a date earlier in the week, and last night the young man (her age, twice divorced, with children … but hey, young to us) dropped by to visit Polly and her friend. Yes, Polly’s BFF Claire-Marie is here from Phoenix too, with her chihuahua Dupré. So it was quite a crowd last night … five adults and (Jesus) five critters. Taco salad for all, and a DVD.
Said DVD was Blitz with Jason Stratham. I don’t normally write one-line movie reviews, but I made an exception for that one: “Absolute rubbish.” There, if I’ve talked you out of renting that splatterporn piece of shit I’ve done my good deed for the day.
Later in the evening I mapped out a new (to us) bicycle route for this morning’s Trail Trash ride. We got up early, loaded the bikes, and met our friends at Maynard’s downtown, the place I shared a photo of the other day. We rode through the Tucson Presidio and downtown, under the I-10 freeway, and then up and back along with Santa Cruz bike trail. Only 14 miles, but I got the group to commit (I think) to doing the Maynards’/Santa Cruz/Rillito/Mountain/University/Maynard’s loop soon, a 22-miler. We are, after all, more than halfway there.
After the ride we had breakfast across the street at the Hotel Congress, and then drove home. I got on the motorcycle to run some errands this afternoon, and when I got home Polly and Claire-Marie had gone to the hash, so things are quiet again. I’m pretty sure Deskbuddy™ 1.0 likes it that way … I know I do.
I’m on deck to cook tonight, once Polly and Claire-Marie come home from the hash. I’m grilling polenta, Italian sausage, and peppers. It’s suddenly cool enough to light a few logs in the firepit … with any luck it’ll be a nice evening, and tonight’s movie, Dogville, just has to be better than last night’s.