Cell Phone Drops: Who Calls Back?

From Richard Wolpert’s Blog, something useful that also makes perfect sense.  It’s my new rule, and — as requested — I’m passing it on: Rules To Follow When Cell Phones Drop Coverage You all know the drill and how annoying it is.  You’re on a cell phone call with someone.  the connection drops.  You aren’t […]

Air-Minded: Where Are the Eagle Drivers?

I invited a few F-15 buddies to join me on Facebook, where I started a by-invitation group for current and former military aviators. For the past year or two I’ve been looking for the presence of other F-15 pilots on the net.  Just did another quick sweep, and AFAIK I’m the only one.  Although the […]

My Son Chides Me for Not Blogging Enough

I missed this somehow, but back in February Avedon Carol linked to one of my entries.  Wow!  Mister Big Time, that’s me. Conversation overheard while drinking coffee after last weekend’s bicycle ride: “You know, kids can’t say the Pledge of Allegiance in school any more.” “I know.  Isn’t it terrible?” “Not the Under God part, anyway.” […]

2008 Economic Stimulus Refund ( $1800 )

Just in case not everyone instantly recognizes this as pfishing, here are three dead giveaways: Government agencies don’t conduct official business via e-mail. “President Bush program?” Really? Can’t they find someone with a high school diploma to write this shit? The “click here” link takes you to a form that asks for the kind of personal […]

Worth a Thousand Words

The small ball on the left represents all the water in the world (1.4087 billion cubic kilometres) including sea water, ice, lakes, rivers, ground water, clouds, etc. The slightly larger ball on the right represents all the air in the atmosphere (5140 trillion tons). The climate change deniers’ main argument is that mankind’s footprint is […]

“Disgusting Ethnic Cooking Odors”

I think it only fair that bloggers read other blogger’s blogs, and I’m nothing if not fair.  Too fair, because sometimes I read things I’d rather not have read.  Like this, from a blog called The View Through the Windshield, written by a charming fellow named Joe Sherlock: While I have problems with Romney’s positions on issues […]