The Facebook Survey, Bane of My Existence

This survey was forwarded to me by my Facebook friend Jill.  Several questions were missing (17-23, 29-33, 36-37, 45).  I filled in the blanks with my own questions and answers, then added a bonus question at the end. I also awarded myself 100 Facebook Points™ for answering them all. Here are the instructions included with […]

Will Giving You My Password Cure Your Congestions?

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: the day I find a professional quality, syntactically correct, properly-spelled phishing appeal in my inbox is the day I’ll join the army of fools who’ve been gulled by flim-flammers.  Should this hypothetical professional quality, syntactically correct, properly-spelled phishing appeal also be literate, I’ll throw in my […]

Epistemic Closure

From an interesting blog post by Julian Sanchez: One of the more striking features of the contemporary conservative movement is the extent to which it has been moving toward epistemic closure. Reality is defined by a multimedia array of interconnected and cross promoting conservative blogs, radio programs, magazines, and of course, Fox News. Whatever conflicts […]

Trolling the Waters

Politically I’m a leftist through and through, so I’m always surprised when my inner conservative rears its pointy head. I’m reading a blog entry by Phoenix Woman about right-wingers refusing to call domestic terrorism by its name, nodding along, completely in agreement, when I come upon this sentence: Republican Senator Scott Brown — who was […]

Another New Twist, Nicely Executed

I would never respond to one of those Nigerian Ivory Coast 419 scams, but make it look vaguely Facebookish and I’m your boy, Hamed! Just put that Ten Million Five hundred Thousand United State of American Dollars in my account, baby! Hello Paul Woodford You have a friend request Hamed Katanga “hamedkatanga” has invited you to […]

Essential Sites (a Partial List)

Please bear with me while I allow my OCD a little free play . . . Compelled to check several times daily: Facebook Must check daily: HashSpace Twitter Wonkette Crooks & Liars Washington Monthly Making Light Hullabaloo Balloon Juice No week is complete without having visited once or twice: Sadly, No! Pandagon Strategy Page […]

On the Usefulness of Twitter

There has been much said about Twitter, most of it negative, but Twitter is shining today.  I realize this is highly perishable information, but at this moment the hot trending topics include #cnnfail, #iranelection, and #tehran.  Apparently Iran can’t keep its citizens off Twitter, and they’re providing the news and photographic coverage our own media […]