Éirinn go Milis Sé Déag
Happy Saint Patrick’s Day, I’m sixteen years sober!
"When I do not want to say things in real life I often say them here." — Mimi Smartypants
What’s going on in my life
Happy Saint Patrick’s Day, I’m sixteen years sober!
You know what I meant by Church Lady, right?
I’ve been playing around with iPads, iPhones, and watches.
Fifteen years later Donna crossed paths with the wife of one of my instructor pilots, who seemed surprised to learn we were still in the Air Force. She was amazed Donna and her trouble-making ways hadn’t tubed my career years ago.
I think I’m ready now to stop adding watches to my collection (I hear Donna saying “yeah, right” from the other end of the house).
Meanwhile, it’s snowing.
Donna made polenta last night.
The title of this post is, of course, from Stephen Foster’s song, “Old Folks at Home.” Which is where we are, thank goodness.