
Stew recipes

  • Seafood,  Soups,  Stews

    Christmas Eve Seafood 2010

    We’ve always trimmed our tree on Christmas Eve. During our first overseas posting in the early 1980s, we started inviting single friends over to help us hang the decorations. Even though we’re settled down in Tucson now, we still invite…

  • Meats,  Sauces,  Stews

    Crouton’s Easy Gumbo

    Gumbo’s hard, right?  Not if you use a package roux/gumbo base — then all you have to do is doctor it up.  Cajun Crouton is way into easy! Notes Serve in bowls over rice with good crusty bread on the…

  • Cookblogging,  Stews

    Hillbilly Tex/Mex?

    I’m cooking a pot of chili con carne this morning, using what’s left of my smoked beef brisket from two weekends ago and a bottle of Shiner Bock Ditalini left in the back of the fridge. Sure, it’ll have a…

  • Cookblogging,  Stews

    Crouton’s Green Chile Stew

    Three  summers ago I delivered fancy motorhomes for a Tucson RV dealership.  We’d frequently drive new motorhomes across the state line into New Mexico so that customers could take title there and avoid Arizona taxes.  Whenever we did, we’d always…

  • Meats,  Stews

    Crouton’s Chili con Carne

    Over the years I’ve tried chili recipe after chili recipe.  This is the one I finally settled on. Notes Chili con carne purists eschew beans.  I like them.  Here are two compromises for bean lovers: The easy way: add canned…

  • Stews

    Crouton’s Easy Beef Stew

    This is a simple one-dish stew you can prepare in the afternoon and serve for supper. Notes Any kind of stew meat will do for this recipe, as long as you trim off the fat & gristle.  For tough meats, increase…