Air-Minded: Air-to-Air in the F-15 Eagle

In my day, the only video cameras we could use to film our own air-to-air flying were hand-held devices.  USAF pilots weren’t (and aren’t, AFAIK) allowed, for safety reasons, to use cameras or video recorders in single-seat cockpits.  If you were flying a two-seater, which you might do once a month or so, and you […]

Facial Sloughing, Suckerbloods

That’s me after visiting my dermatologist Friday for another round of freezing and sloughing.  They say women dislike the word “moist” . . . well, I dislike the word “slough,” which I associate with high school sex ed movies about menstruation.  So there, I guess we’re even. I seem to be in touch with my […]