Ordered 50 Shades, Got a chick Tract

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People have been known to check out library books they disapprove of and never return them, or hide them on the wrong shelves to stymie readers looking for them, but you never hear about librarians doing it. This seems more like those “Christian” pharmacists who won’t sell you a morning-after pill, or recruiters for fake abortion clinics who lure patients away from real ones.

It reminds me of an evangelical F-15 pilot I once flew with.

I suppose every flying squadron has one or two. Maybe more these days, since the US Air Force Academy has morphed into a mega-church with a uniformed congregation. We had just the one at Soesterberg in the early 1980s, but he was more than enough, especially if you had to pull Zulu alert with him and put up with his non-stop proselytizing. I once saw him literally shudder and throw a magazine to the floor, as if casting a demon away, over a full-page ad showing a woman in a bikini. That was creepy, but nothing could top the time he taped over the alert shack porn videocassette collection to keep the rest of us from watching them between scrambles. No one saw him do it, but the first time an alert crew put Debbie Does Dallas in the Betamax and 1941 came on, we knew exactly who to blame.

Just as, I bet, the folks at Bookshop.org instantly knew who was swapping pro-choice books customers had ordered with Focus on the Family anti-abortion tracts.

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