Kegs Versus Cans

A philosophical question for hashers: which do you like better, kegs or cans? Until a few days ago I was a staunch defender of what passes for conventional wisdom among beer drinkers — and, naturally, hashers — that keg beer is a priori better than canned beer. The proposition makes perfect sense. Keg beer is fresher, there’s […]

A Great Bicycling Weekend, Marred by a Bad Spill

I predicted it would be a lost weekend, and so it was.  I rode in a competitive event yesterday . . . although, to be sure, in a less than competitive manner . . . then rode again this morning, just for fun, with some hashing friends.  Sore and tired?  You bet.  But it’s a good sore and tired! […]

Air-Minded: Sunday Flying Blogging

What fun! Went flying with a buddy this morning, a retired USAF lieutenant colonel with a background in B-52s and C-130s. He knows people I flew with, I know people he flew with, and, like me, he was once a headquarters flight safety chief. Running out of things to talk about was never a problem. […]

Saturday Down Under Hash Tucker

Yum . . . spag bog! Several years ago, when I was putting the Half-Mind Cookbook together, an Australian harriette inadvertently posted a shopping list to the international hash e-mail list. The line that caught my attention said “mince for spag bog.” Spag bog? That could only be some sort of Australian dish, right? Like […]

Potatos for the Pack

You say potatoe, I say potato . . . Now that cooler weather’s returned, hungry Hash House Harriers want hot food at on-afters. Baked potatoes are easy, filling, and tasty, and you can make it a group effort by asking others to bring the toppings. This is one of Pick’n’Flick’s most successful hash recipes. If […]