Both Sides Know Gun Control Works

Same old same old. If you don’t know the difference between shotguns and rifles, or think 9mm Rugers look like 9mm Glocks, you’re not qualified to have an opinion on guns and mass shootings, therefore let us shut down all talk of background checks, therefore everyone should carry, therefore good men with guns should go forth and shoot all the bad men with guns, therefore Thunderdome!

Monday Bag o’ PC

I’ve been thinking about political correctness lately. The legend on the bag says “Political correctness killed soldiers at Ft Hood.” Really? We all know what happened at Fort Hood in 2009: a single gunman, an Army major serving as a psychiatrist, killed 13 of his fellow troops and injured 30. He was Arab-American and Muslim; […]

Cynical Dog Whistles

I was born in Limbaugh Land: Cape Girardeau, Missouri. I’m four years older than Rush, but the Limbaughs were face cards in that town long before he (or even I) came along, and remain a powerful local dynasty today. One of them crunched my sister’s car a few years back. There was no question of […]

Thursday Bag o’ Right-Wing Hatred

I should write about our Christmas with the kids in Las Vegas, but when I think of it I’m happy, and as with most things happy, words are slow to come and inadequate when they do. When I see right-wingers getting up to their old shenanigans, on the other hand, I see red and words […]

Updates from Another World

What world? Planet X, the world one of my embittered Missouri relatives inhabits. The last post appeared this morning. Most people climb down from the ledge after a night’s sleep. Ain’t happening on Planet X, clearly. Collective farms, sharia law, gun confiscation, Obamaphones, black helicopters, FEMA camps … dreadful things are happening on Planet X. […]

My Debate Take-Away

During last night’s vice presidential candidates’ debate, Paul Ryan said something in reference to women’s reproductive rights and Roe vs. Wade that gave us a glimpse into his soul: We don’t think that unelected judges should make this decision; that people through their elected representatives in reaching a consensus in society through the democratic process […]