The Memorial Service

Up and at ’em early this morning.  A dog to water, feed, and walk, a bicycle to ride, an old friend from Las Vegas showing up in the early afternoon, a party at another friend’s house this evening.  But first, a little blogging. Like everyone else, I watched the televised memorial for the victims of […]

Responding to Friendly Criticism

I’m getting some hits over two previous posts (Gabrielle Giffords and Political Violence).  As is often the case, the criticisms were emailed directly to me rather than left here as blog comments.  Which ordinarily would mean you wouldn’t get to see them.  It seems a bit like censorship to me, getting reasoned criticism from friends, […]

Political Violence

Two things.  One, this post is going to go all over the map because I’m still in shock, angry and incoherent.  Two, what I have to say is mostly personal, not meant to be a recap of news you’ve already heard elsewhere. We all know what happened in Tucson this Saturday was political.  Politicians and […]