Getting at the Truth

I thought I was reasonably on top of the Scooter Libby trial story.  But Nicholas Lemann of The New Yorker threw me with this, in his most recent Talk of the Town commentary: What’s ultimately behind Libby’s trial is the Administration’s obsession with finding hard evidence for what it already believes. President Bush is often […]

Down, Black Hawk, Down!

Ever since Ethiopian forces went into Somalia, and more so since this week’s US AC-130 gunship attack on what is said to have been a Somalian Al Qaeda encampment, news commentators and reporters have been talking about Black Hawk Down.  As in: “US forces strike Somalia again, more than 13 years after Black Hawk Down.” When […]

Casting Pearls Before Swine (Part I)

I subscribe to a Honda Goldwing owners’ message board.  Too frequently for comfort, members post messages that make you suspect that after they park their bikes for the night, they hang up their leathers and put on white robes.  Like this guy, who wrote today: President signs E.O. for illegals to get FULL S.S. If a […]