Just back from the annual classic & collector car show at Tubac, Arizona, a retirement boutique settlement near the border town of Nogales. I really should call it a classic, collector, & enthusiast car show, since there were several groupings of PT Cruisers, new generation (2002-2005) Thunderbirds, and Saturn Sky/Pontiac Solstice two-seaters. But there were plenty of lust-worthy old-timers on hand, including one of my local car show favorites, the 1948 Willy’s. Boy, that Willy’s get’s around!
And I bumped into a friend, a fellow hasher and car collector I used to know only by his hash name, Parachuting Peter. I had to look at the placard on the windshield of his MG-TD to learn his actual name, Craig. Hashing and old British cars go together, somehow.
Some car show sights (click on thumbnails to see larger):