YCRT! Rant
And here we go, just four days into the new regime:
So how’s the battle against book-banning going lately? The pinheads we’ve warned you about, fought against, taken to court, subverted with work-arounds, subjected to public ridicule and shame — the torch & pitchfork book-burning mob — are suddenly the boss of us.
What first stands out to me is the wildly inappropriate slamming of a former president in the title of this official Department of Education policy statement. It carries on into the text (click on the image to read the whole thing), which may as well be a Sean Hannity show transcript. Imagine every agency of the federal government acting as a propaganda arm of the executive branch, spewing MAGA and alt-right talking points. Well, it’s happening. Right in front of you.
But how about the book-banning? What does this policy statement actually say? Basically, that the Department of Education will no longer mediate in local school board decisions to restrict access to books from public school classrooms and libraries, turning the entire issue over to local control, along with a heavy dose of the usual bullshit boilerplate employed by book-banners.
If past actions of Republican Congresses are any indication, within a month or two the Party of Local Control and States’ Rights will have implemented a top-down book-banning policy on public education in the United States. Every elementary, middle, and high school will ban “age-inappropriate materials” from classrooms and libraries, and you can bet publicly-funded state colleges and universities will be next, along with public libraries.
If it is within their power to force the Idaho model on the remaining 49 states, do you think for a second they’ll hesitate?
Those annual lists of banned books published by the American Library Association? They’re going to be more important than ever. Because we’re not going to knuckle under to this shit. In the eternal battle between the Stupids and the Smarts, my money — despite the evidence of the recent election — is still on the Smarts.
First MSM article I’ve seen on the DOE’s new banned book policy, dated Jan 25, 2025, is here: https://abcnews.go.com/US/department-education-dismisses-book-ban-investigations-ends-guidance/story?id=118098825.
The article, as expected, is straight stenography with not a hint of criticism. Not once does it mention the unprofessional and vindictive wording of the DOE’s policy statement title (“… Ends Biden’s Book Ban Hoax”).
ABC News has now joined the New York Times and the Washington Post as a willing participants in spewing Trump administration culture war talking points.
I’m glad someone has the intestinal fortitude to follow up on this Goebbels/Newthink propaganda campaign paid for by us. Because the MSM is obviously oligarch and despot friendly and in alliance with our neonazi rulers.
I consume none of it- ever. The media is all owned by rich oligarchs who care nothing about democracy or morality so long as they get low taxes.
I’d like to think the stupids will lose eventually but experience is showing me that the stupid/plutocrat coalition is powerful. At this time fear, hatred and treason rule. Half of Americans are Nazi.
This appears unlikely to change short of tumbrils, guillotines and starving mobs with pitchforks and torches.
Although in these modern times it will come in the form of AI murder drones and big fertilizer bombs. Time to clean the pew pew 2nd amendment toys and stockpile food and ammo because with a feeble fool like trump in charge again the crises times are upon us.
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