You Want Change? We Got Change!

Today is Wednesday, the 18th of February, 2022. In 2023 the 18th of February will also be Wednesday. And in 2024. And every year after. Or so it will be when we wise up and adopt the International Fixed Calendar.


Imagine: you still have a 365-day year with 52 weeks, but every week starts with Monday and ends with Sunday. Cardinal dates always fall on the same day of the week. You get a nifty new month, named for the Sun, between June and July.

My birth date is Oct 31, 1946. By the Gregorian calendar, the one we’re used to, it was a Thursday … and also Hallowe’en. By the International Fixed Calendar, first proposed in 1902 and actually used by the Eastman Kodak Company from 1928 to 1989, my birth date would have been the 24th of October, and a Tuesday (and it’d fall on a Tuesday every year).

What I don’t know is whether Hallowe’en would also shift to the 24th, or whether traditionalists would insist it still fall on the last day of October, which of course would be the 28th, and a Sunday. Christians might object to perpetually sharing one of their 52 Sundays with the pagans, so IMO Hallowe’en should remain tied to the 304th day of the year, which, in the 13-month calendar, is my birthday, the 24th of October. Hey, if you were a Hallowe’en baby, you wouldn’t want to give it up either … and since all this what-iffing is based on the notion I’ll be king some day and decree it so, you won’t have to!

Now if I could just find an app for that iMac that will shift my default calendar to the IFC and automatically date blog posts to the 13-month calendar (he said, hoping some clever subject will direct his attention to one).

Speaking of Hallowe’en … here we go, Salem 2022. “I accuse Goody Flanders of consorting with the devil!” Nothing ever changes with these assholes.

King Paul decrees adoption of the 13-month calendar, outlaws organized religion. Yeah, that’s the ticket!

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