Every Fourth of July the residents of Sunnywood Estates gather for a parade. We supplied a large contingent of marchers: Donna and I, our son Gregory with his wife Beth and children Taylor and Quentin, and our friends Angie, Darrell, Chris, and Mary Anne.
Not all the Woodfords were here. Polly was able to come down for the weekend, but had to get back to Phoenix to work.
Gregory decorated Quentin’s bike last night. All reports were that Quentin didn’t like the bike, but he appears to like it now. Maybe they can just leave the decorations on it.
What point’s a parade if all you’re going to do is watch it? The whole point’s to be in it!
Schatzi, of course, thought it was all about her.
After the parade one of our neighbors held an open house and everyone went over for a potluck brunch. One of these years I guess we’ll volunteer to host everyone.
So now we’re back home, staying indoors and out of the heat, except for the grandkids, Quentin and Taylor, who are in the pool. I’m smoking ribs and chicken, so I have to go out every half-hour or so to replenish charcoal and hickory chips. We’ll eat an early dinner, then drive over to another friend’s house up in the foothills to watch fireworks. It’s a great day to be an American — happy Fourth of July, everyone!