Why I Abhor Organized Religion: Reason #473

5 thoughts on “Why I Abhor Organized Religion: Reason #473

  • Battered Woman 08/23/05 10:59

    Well – that does seem a bit a harsh. However, I doubt an intervention would work very well.

    It’s interesting that you should post this. I am taking a class on global economics and had to write some paper that led me to read about Venezula. Did you know that “Venezuela is the fifth largest oil producer in the world and has the largest reserves of oil and gas outside the Middle East; however, per capita income from oil has consistently diminished since the mid 1980s.” (The Fletchcer Forum of World Affairs, 2005)

    People in that country are on the verge of poverty and yet Chavez does not seem to want to work with the governments and multi national companies. In fact, he does just the opposite and antagonizes them. It puts the whole region at risk.

    I’m not saying killing him would be the best thing to do. Simply put, who would replace him? At the same time, it seems like a real mess down there.

    Any suggestions on how to fix it? And if you have the answer to that one, would you solve the mess in Iraq as well?

    Battered Woman

  • Paul Woodford 08/24/05 2:48 AM

    Battered, the only fixing I had in mind with that post was the tax exempt status of his Christian Coalition. Pat Robertson crossed the line between religion and partisan political activity years ago, yet he still skates on taxes.

    Venezuala? Let me know when they attack the USA and I’ll increase my level of concern.

    Iraq? Solve the mess there? Like God said to Bill Clinton, “Show me that map of the Middle East again, would you?”

  • Dick 08/25/05 12:09 AM

    I know a lot of practicing Christians, all good kindly folk who go about their jobs, raise their families, pay taxes, and obey the law. When a disaster strikes, they dig deep into their wallets and give generously.

    Then along comes an idiot, sorry, make that “an effing idiot,” like Robertson, and they all get a bad name. It’s enough to make one feel sorry for all the good Muslims of the world and the idiots, see remarks above about idiots, they have to live with.

  • PayPerView 09/07/05 5:55 AM

    What I don’t get is why isn’t Mr. Robertson under investigation? If I had said that I’d been in jail real quick. That is a major violation of the Patriot Act. Muslim clerics make those comments all the time and are label “terrorist”, why is he different? Oh, he’s Dubyas friend. Janet Jackson gets fined for showing a boob on TV but a Christian Extremist can get away anything.

  • Flying Booger 09/17/05 2:42 AM

    PPV, I understand they’re pretty close to coming for you in the middle of the night. Me too, I’m told. See you at Gitmo!

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