I put a Kerry/Edwards bumper sticker on my car . . . I feel so dirty!
Just back from a long visit with family in southeastern Missouri – Cape Girardeau to be exact – home of Rush Limbaugh, but far more significantly, of me.
We talked politics, among other, more important things. My folks, my sisters, even my sisters’ husbands and children, repeatedly expressed their moral discomfort with John Kerry and Democrats in general. They feel that George and Laura Bush embody good moral standards, while John and Teresa Kerry embody . . . well, something else. Exactly what, no one was prepared to say. But they didn’t like it, whatever it was.
How did the Democrats allow this to happen? What can they – we, for I am one of them – do to turn these feelings around?
How far back does this go? Is it deeper than Clinton? Is it the result of Rush Limbaugh’s tireless campaign to make “liberal” a dirty word? How did the party of regular working-class people manage to turn so many members of the working class toward the Republican Party, their natural enemy?
Democrat=different=other=immoral. Not our kind of people.
Speaking of which, wanna read a helluva good book? Read Philip Roth’s The Plot Against America. More on that soon!
Dick Herman 10/28/04 3:48 PM
Paul, I started life as a Democrat and ended up a disillusioned cynic who wants to believe, in what I’m just not sure. Maybe that’s the problem; the political parties are good at getting us to hate each other but not believing in something. On the other hand, maybe it’s just those damn elitists. But which party are they in?
Flying Booger 10/28/04 8:24 PM
I never set out to write about politics, but here I am doing it anyway. During the lengthy break in news coverage our media call election season, what the hell else is there to write about?