Banned Books: Peeling the Onion (and Why It’s Worth the Tears)

The difficulty of getting at the truth of a story was increased today by Wonkette, an influential political blog, then multiplied by Fox News, a conservative propaganda outlet. Starting with the onion’s outer layer, here’s the headline and blurb from Wonkette: An American state has decided to promote illiteracy?  What, are they shutting down schools?  […]

Assange and the Abuse of Government Secrecy (Updated)

A zippier title for this post would be State Secrets & Shit Lists, but I’ll refrain. The way the authoritarians in our midst are calling for Julian Assange’s assassination, I can’t help thinking of Orwell’s 1984, where the citizens of Oceania turned to their viewscreens once a day for the Two Minutes Hate directed against […]

Another Breezy Update . . . Now with Vampires!

My Nook e-reader came with a copy of Bram Stoker’s Dracula. Although prudishly Edwardian, it’s still a great read, full of fascinating vampire lore.  I thought I knew all that stuff from movies I’d watched as a kid, but after reading the original, I realize the movies got a lot of it wrong. Since reading […]

Updated: Where’s Norman Rockwell When You Need Him?

Update (11/24/10, 4:45 PM): Thanksgiving has been saved! The electrician came, and the house is rewired for a double oven.  The appliance store tech came but couldn’t fix the oven.  And he wasn’t going to do anything about it until Friday.  No way, we said, and it turned out an almost identical double oven was […]