Paul’s Grab Bag

What’s in Paul’s grab bag? Unconnected thoughts and observations which don’t rate separate blog posts, but when aggregated together might amount to something: The Tube I was 14 years old when The Flintstones began running on TV. Hanna-Barbara was already famous for introducing cartoons to prime time with Huckleberry Hound, so there was a lot […]

(My Own) Conservatism, Condensed

In my previous post, I accused my conservative Republican friends of selfishness.  Some of my conservative Republican friends read this blog.  I doubt I’ve endeared myself to them. So I should probably clarify my own relationship with selfishness.  All humans are selfish, covetous, and jealous.  I’m human.  I worked hard for what I have and […]

Conservatism, Condensed

Some of my friends are successful businessmen.  They are, as a matter of course, conservative and Republican.  Socially, at least, I tend toward conservatism myself, and I respect anyone who works hard and succeeds.  Though I may disagree with my friends, I listen to what they have to say.    They’re smart people, but too often, […]

Follow the Money (Part I)

In a post about Arizona’s new immigration law the other day, I naïvely posted this: I estimate that the Border Patrol catches around a hundred illegal border-crossers a day in Arizona alone.  Anywhere you go in southern Arizona, you see Border Patrol checkpoints and the big white ex-Greyhound buses they use to haul the day’s […]

What Part of “Illegal” Don’t I Understand? (Part I)

What part of “illegal” don’t I understand? Uh, the part where loudmouthed white assholes get to speed and smoke pot and cheat on their taxes, while American citizens of Hispanic descent have to prove they’re not breaking a law any time a cop looks at them sideways, and oh by the way while Mexicans, Hondurans, […]

Reforming Health Care Reform

I thought the fix was in, that Democrats in congress wouldn’t pass health care reform.  But they did.  Nancy Pelosi, you go!  Have you considered running for president some day? Toward the end, the Republican refrain was that passing HCR would hurt Democrats.  But you know what?  Everyone loves a winner, and right now congressional […]

Corporate Personhood

From my post of two days ago: “And I think corporate ownership of congress is going to get worse, not better.” Boy, I’ll say.  Yesterday the Supreme Court extended free speech rights to corporations, who will now be allowed to contribute unlimited amounts of money to political candidates and parties. Some say this’ll be the […]

Praise in Public, Correct in Private

I rode my bicycle down to the corner coffee shop this morning, my favorite mode of exercise (it’d be good exercise too, if it weren’t for those damn scones).  A leisurely cup of coffee at an outdoor table, reading the book and movie reviews in the latest Tucson Weekly, makes for a great morning. But […]