The Slippery Slope

One of the perks of a military career is being buried in Arlington National Cemetery, or at the very least having a military funeral with an honor guard and a bugler playing Taps. And now this.

Damn, at this rate, by the time I die, burial in Arlington will be some sort of revolving-door ceremony. They’ll play a recording of Taps, send over some old geezer from the local VFW to shout “Bang!” three times, and lower me into the hole. But it’ll be a ceremonial hole . . . after everyone leaves they’ll hoist me back out and put me on a conveyor belt to the crematorium, so that the next poor bastard can lowered and hoisted out, and the next, and the next . . . thanks once again, Boing Boing, for making my day.

One thought on “The Slippery Slope

  • Smoking Wiener 10/13/04 7:32 AM

    Wow Booger, let’s just hope your big head will still fit the hole they dig. Just kidding. I was once a member of the 77th Army Band at Fort Sill, OK. We had guys who did nothing but travel and bugle. They had no real home life. I don’t care much for the electronic bugle idea, but more often than not the true bugle players have off days, frozen or parched lips, and are known to miss a note or two. How do you like your taps (you won’t hear it anyway)? Have you ever heard it played with an echo? It’s faked. A 2nd person plays the echo from a hidden location. Now, I ask you, how real is that?

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