Rode Hard and Put Away Hungry

I met three buddies at a Tucson gas station at 8:30 this morning for a ride to the Cycle World Motorcycle Show in Phoenix.  Good thing I choked down an English muffin at home first, because we rode two hours to Phoenix without a stop, spent two-and-a-half hours at the strangely food-free show venue, then rode […]

Prevailing Dearth, Punctuated by Brief Rants

The blogiverse managed to survive October without much input from me.  I’ve been hashing, and what little I’ve written lately’s over at the other blog.  But I feel I owe this blog something, even if only a summary of events and a couple of cheap shots at our betters. So far this month I’ve set two hash trails, one the […]

Eat the Rich (Part II)

I came home yesterday and found a notice taped to my door: Weblog Protective Services says if I don’t hurry up and write some entries, they’re gonna take my blogs away and give them to Kevin Federline. So here’s what I’m working on: a letter to the authorities protesting first-class security screening lines at airports.  The […]