It’s the night before the big day: El Tour de Tucson is tomorrow. Donna and I (and Darrell, and Lorri, and Mary Anne — the core members of the Trail Trash) are riding the 35-mile section of this annual event. Next year we may tackle the 67-miler. The really good riders, of course, are doing either the 80-miler or the whole 109 miles. We’re certainly not ready for that.
We’re carpooling to the start, and if everything goes as planned, two non-participating friends will ferry our cars to the end so that we don’t have to wait for the shuttle. But if things fall through at the last minute, there’s always the shuttle, so we’re not too worried.
Yesterday my air compressor decided it was a good day to die, so I’ll be pumping tires by hand in the morning. We’re all wearing Spandex and non-matching jerseys*, and if the photos aren’t too embarrassing I’ll post them later.
After the finish, provided we have our own cars, we’re going to celebrate at a downtown tapas bar. I never knew there was any such thing in Tucson, but Mary Anne says one exists. If we have to take the shuttle back to the start, though, our post-ride plans will have to change.
* One of our longer-term projects is to have some Trail Trash jerseys made. Goal: before next year’s El Tour.