. . . and other things.
I’ve been on my hands and knees in the back yard, pulling weeds. I’m reluctant to spray because the dog spends a lot of time out there. When it comes to the front yard, where the dog is not allowed, it’s going to be chemical warfare all the way. Agent Orange, if I can get it.
Schatzi stayed by my side most of the time I was pulling weeds, biting and tugging on tufts of grass. I know, I know, we’re not supposed to anthropomorphize, but biting and pulling on tufts of grass is not anything she’s ever done before, and I can only guess she was trying to help me. Similarly, whenever I go on poop patrol with my little rake and shovel, she “helps” by running out and dropping a fresh load. What can I say? Schatzi’s a Good Citizen!
Speaking of poop patrol, I just went through my blog membership rolls with a virtual rake and shovel, deleting spambot “users.” Granted, my spam filters catch the comment spam they try to post, but it still pisses me off they’re even here, and once a month or so I go hunting for them. It may seem pointless and futile, but it makes me feel good, and that’s reason enough.
Motorcycle, motorcycle, vroom, vroom, vroom! Donna’s going to a family wedding in Michigan in early October, and while she’s away I’m going to go on a ten-day solo motorcycle ride to Las Vegas, Long Beach, Santa Cruz, Novato, San Francisco, and Sacramento. In Las Vegas I’ll overnight with the kids; in California I’ll crash with friends. Tomorrow’s going to be a motorcycle maintenance day with my friend Ed, getting the Goldwing in shape for the long trip.
Yes, I know there are prettier ways to cross from Nevada into California, but they all involve going over the Sierra Nevadas and coming down to Sacramento from Lake Tahoe, a risky proposition in early October . . . particularly on a motorcycle!
It’s Labor Day! Thanks for all the weekends and paid holidays, organized labor, but mostly . . . thanks for helping so many of us make living wages. When it comes right down to it, if you don’t make a living wage you can never be free.