Certain words and phrases indicate a person’s inability or unwillingness to engage in honest conversion. I call them eye-rollers. When you hear them, you know you’ve hit a brick wall: whether it’s stupidity or willful close-mindedness, the person who utters them is not listening. Roll your eyes and find someone else to talk to.
- Ground Zero Mosque*
- Terror Mosque
- Obama Mosque (oh yeah, some are beginning to call it that)
- Islamic Niketown (WTF?)
- Terror Imam
- Sharia Law (in the context of Muslims imposing same on Christians)
*You can’t instantly assume someone who repeats the phrase “ground zero mosque” is a Stupid. Low-information/Fox News types may not know it’s neither a mosque nor at Ground Zero. But if you explain the facts and they persist in using the phrase, it’s time to move on. They’ve embraced Teh Stupid.
Update (8/26/10): That last bullet isn’t right. Yes, the scardey-cats like to talk about shraria law, making it out to be some kind of threat. But the US constitution not only gives Muslims the right to build mosques and worship in them, it separates church and state, preventing Muslims from imposing religious law on any American, including Christians, Jews, non-believers, Buddhists, and — yes — Americans who are Muslim. We mess with that precious document at our peril.