Remember Fredric Wertham, the 1950s anti-comic-book crusader? The Library of Congress has opened his private papers to scholars of censorship.
Is that a photo of a man’s butt on the cover? Your book has just been banned in Canada!
A new front in the fight against censorship: guerrilla libraries.
Bummer. The small-brainers in Stockton, Missouri have won a round.
That teen lit festival that “uninvited” a guest author and sparked a boycott by other authors? It’s been canceled.
A disbarred lawyer is seeking to have a computer game banned from sale in America. With the constitution and all, that might be a tall order. Not for the Department of Defense, though, which seems to be exempt from the rules that govern the rest of us.
Speaking of our censorship-friendly military, not only won’t American troops be able to buy that computer game in base exchanges, neither will they be able to access Wikileaks, nor will they be able to watch The Tillman Story at base theaters.
Since I mentioned movies, here’s Wikipedia’s exhaustive list of banned films.
To steer us back to the topic of banned books, here’s another exhaustive Wikipedia list.
Well, that was depressing . . . I’m going to mix myself a Gainesville Grasshopper™: two parts gin, one part crème de menthe, 1 teaspoon Koran ashes, well shaken.