Please Stand By

Sorry for the lack of bloggage this past week.  An awful sore throat has robbed me of the will to do pretty much anything.  But today I can swallow without wincing.  Light at the end of the tunnel!

Non-essential filler follows (so the text will at least equal the graphic in size):

Today’s the first day since Tuesday I’ve felt like eating anything and all I crave is tortilla chips and hot salsa.  Oh, and I chewed the lemon from my glass of iced tea.  The throat has been bad and must be punished!

Our dog has an ear infection and another broken tooth.  So I’m not the only one suffering around here!

First lawn mowing of 2010 today.  Actually, it’s been growing like hell since mid-February.  The tall grass was also a potential source of whatever got into the dog’s ears, so I feel even better about mowing it.  The tooth?  The first time she broke a tooth we pitched all her hard toys.  I think she broke this one on a hard doggie dental treat . . . some dental treat, huh?  I swear, it’s like having a baby in the house, running around looking for things she might hurt herself with.

Jesus H, you came all the way here to read about a guy mowing his lawn and stressing over his dog?  Don’t be like me . . . get a life!

On the issue of single or double spacing after periods, I’m a double space man.  Once the generation that grew up with typewriters is gone, the double space will disappear.

Wow, I really am feeling better.  Maybe next time I get sick I should force myself to blog.  It seems to help.  Thanks for the therapy, theoretical readers!

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