Last day in Las Vegas NV . . . we drove here Thursday to spend the long weekend with our kids and grandkids. We’ll drive home tomorrow.
It’s been a great weekend so far. My son Gregory managed to borrow a couple of BMW motorcycles and we went riding up in the mountains. The next day I took Gregory and grandson Quentin to the automobile museum at the Imperial Palace, then to a bookstore since he’s reading now. Donna went shopping with our daughter in law Beth and our granddaughter Taylor, cooked a couple of by-request family favorite dinners, and spent time with our daughter Polly helping her sort out options for buying a house of her own in LV. Today we’re all going over to Cousin Dino’s house for a barbecue.
Yes, there are photos, but there’s no photo editing software on the kids’ laptops, so they’ll have to wait until I get home. Okay, that’s it . . . just wanted to let you know I hadn’t dropped off the face of the earth!