Too exhausted to blog, is what it is. My contract’s tied to the US government’s fiscal year, which runs from October 1st to September 30th. It’s crunch time. I hope to be back on a reasonable blogging schedule by mid-October.
Until then, I’ll offer the following observation: almost everyone I work with plans to vote for Bush, including those – and there are many – who believe he’s been a disastrously bad president.
Which leads me to wonder what it is about John Kerry people dislike so?
Speaking of four more years, by the time George W. Bush finishes his second term I’ll be eligible for social security. I remember thinking, as a kid, how unimaginably old I’d be in 1986, when Halley’s Comet came. Today I’m trying to decide whether to claim partial social security benefits in 2008, at age 62, or wait to claim full benefits in 2011, at age 65. And it’s all too imaginable.