Too Perfect?

The morning after, I’m torn. The shooting of Donald Trump — okay, the attempted assassination — was real. But I keep coming back to this photo, taken last night by Evan Vucci of the Associated Press, which may very well cinch the election for Trump:


And this iconic image, which it so resembles:

Iwo Jima Photo

I mean, it’s too perfect. If it were deliberately posed, could it be any better? The heroic victim, blood on his face? The raised fist? The flag?

Staging an attempted assassination to get a knockout photo that’ll win an election (and being willing to accept civilian casualties to get it) is something you’d see in a movie. Is Trump, or anyone in his camp, clever enough to have pulled something like that off? That diabolical?

Putin, maybe. Bannon?

One thing I know, we can’t believe anything we’re told, nor, these days, shown. For now, that’s all I have to say about it.

6 thoughts on “Too Perfect?

  • If I were more cynical I’d mention the shooter is dead, conveniently, and ask if anyone has read Point of Impact by Stephen Hunter. If not they might want to.

  • Didn’t say so in my post, but I think the Secret Service needs a thorough housecleaning. And not because they didn’t take out the shooter before he fired … but because some of them are in the bag for Trump. There’s a reason Pence wouldn’t get in the car with them on Jan 6th, and old Joe better watch out.

  • There’s more than a whiff of oafishness in the photo and Trump campaign efforts to capitalize on it. Putin is oafish, but so is Trump. But one or both are deeply involved in the process, yeah.

  • There is no way trump arranged this sad shooting as he is too profound a coward to chance it. In the Army in 1969 we were trained to aim for the center of body mass, as head shots are difficult and too chancy. And the use of the double or triple tap. Always lots of photogenic blood on head shots but too hard a target with the head moving around. Poor training on the part of this Republican assassin – of innocent bystanders.

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