Casting Pearls Before Swine (Part I)

I subscribe to a Honda Goldwing owners’ message board.  Too frequently for comfort, members post messages that make you suspect that after they park their bikes for the night, they hang up their leathers and put on white robes.  Like this guy, who wrote today:

President signs E.O. for illegals to get FULL S.S.

If a person works for 10 years in Mexico and then gets into the USA illegally for a minimum of 18 months they can file and collect Social Security from us for the FULL amount of S.S. money. No money from Mexico. Talk about bankrupt the S.S. fund. It will only take a few years once word gets out in Mexico. It has been on Fox News for the last two days. So, I called my congressman to find out if it is true. It is true and if the congress doesn’t make a law within 60 days the Presidents Executive Order will be law. Rep. Camp said they have been flooded with emails and phone calls asking just how in the hell can this happen. We will see.

Naturally, I couldn’t resist responding:

Oh for God’s sake.

You can go to the White House web site and view a list (with descriptions) of every executive order President Bush has signed. Here’s the link.

Take a look yourself. I did, and I don’t see any EO giving illegal aliens social security. Or amnesty. Or anything even remotely similar.

C’mon, think about it. Leave alone, for now, the idea that GWB would give Social Security to illegal aliens (like, what?), do you believe he can, especially as unpopular as he is right now, and with an opposition Congress, impose controversial dictates on an unwilling America simply by signing executive orders? No way. And if he tried, there’d be a revolt in the legislative and judicial branches. He’d never get away with it.

This is the kind of World Net Daily alarmist crap right-wing radio and TV love to spread around to “energize the base,” or, in other words, to stir up the dummies. And boy, does it work!

Oh, by the way, speaking of World Net Daily alarmist crap, what’s it doing on this board? Yo, moderators, you guys takin’ a break or something?

Ah, Goldwingers.  This is why I don’t ride with that crowd!

One thought on “Casting Pearls Before Swine (Part I)

  • oh, well said, uncle paul! keep educating! let’s hope something rational gets through to the other side

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