Thursday Morning DogBlogging

The queen in her chambers (click to enlarge)
The queen in her chambers (click to enlarge)

Our back yard is enclosed with a high cinderblock fence, and until two nights ago it was Schatzi’s hood.  If she heard a dog bark or smelled javelina nearby, she’d shoot out the doggy door into the back yard, loudly letting the world know she was on the job, defending our home.  Until two nights ago, that is, when we heard a panicked yip, immediately followed by flapping of the doggy door and the reddish-brown streak of Schatzi flying back into the house and straight into my lap, where she stayed the rest of the night, eyes wide open, trembling.

Clearly, something came into the yard after her.  Could’ve been a coyote, could’ve been an owl.  Whatever it was frightened her, and now she’s wary about going out after dark (she’s still pretty fearless during the day).  Last night she heard or smelled something outside and barked, but stayed inside while she was doing it.  Whatever happened to her the other night made a big impression on her, and she’s not taking unnecessary risks.

Smart girl.

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