Katrina and Whack Jobs

This entry was posted by co-blogger Dick, a writer and former squadron mate:

Hindsight is always twenty-twenty, and we’re just now getting a fuller perspective on what went wrong with the initial response to Katrina. At this point, I think it is safe to say the first response was a massive failure on the part of our bureaucracy at all levels. Local, State and Federal agencies were simply not prepared to respond to a disaster of that magnitude. The problem compounded when the bureaucracy either failed to implement its existing plans or was not able to.

As an old retired Air Force puke, I cannot tell you how proud I was of our troops when they were finally ordered in. The military had the command authority, the organization, and the means to respond in a big way. And that sort of gets me to Cindy Sheehan.

As best I can tell, when the media deserted her at Crawford, Texas, she followed the cameras down to New Orleans. Her latest pronouncement was “to get the occupying troops out of Iraq and Louisiana,” as if the two are comparable. From my perspective, that makes her a whack job. Yet for some strange reason, I still feel sorry for her. I need to think about that one. 

One thought on “Katrina and Whack Jobs

  • Paul Woodford 09/17/05 2:28 AM

    Dick, me too. I started thinking whack job when she began issuing pro_Palestinian statements. I wish she’d have stayed on message – it was a good one, and one that might have prompted the junior Republican party (that would be the Democrats) to finally grow a spine.

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